Monday, February 13, 2012

JpsRuntimeException: JPS-01520: Cannot initialize identity store

For the last couple of times, I've been running into this security exception while running my junit test cases. This time around I was determined to get over it. A number of links on googling mention some workarounds related to SOA. Most of these solutions are also for windows based OS(s).

Some links talk about permissions for either your cwallet.sso file or mentioning an accessible IP address in your console or connections.xml file.

Finally, a simple workaround that worked for me, was :

just check-out your jazn-data.xml file and re-run your test. And Lo...and Behold...your test case runs perfectly fine !!

The error could sometimes also pop-up in a slightly different form : Run into error JPS-03026:
PDPService and PolicyStore Service instance not found in default context. Reason: {0} while using identity store.

In this case, a check-out of both connections.xml and cwallet.sso files and then re-running the test case should work!


Vinod Krishnan said...

this is my version of it..
and how i solved it

Kavita said...

Hey Vinod,
Thanks for stopping by. I had read about this and tried it myself as well. Unfortunately, it dint solve my problem then. Nevertheless, either one of the solutions is surely going to be helpful for anyone who's gonna stop by this blogpost :-)