1. File->New->General->Applications->Fusion Web Application(ADF)
2. Specify an application name
3. Specify a name for the Model project. Go with the default selected technologies (ADF Business components, Java). Go with the default package.
4. Specify a name for the ViewController project. Go with the default selected technologies (ADF Faces, ADF Page Flow, HTML, Java, JSF, JSP and Servlets,
Go with the default package.
5. Right-click on the Model project -> Business Tier -> ADF Business Components -> Entity Object
6. Initialize Business Components Project - > Create a database connection. Click the '+' button and enter the following details :-
Connection Name : ApplicationDB
Username : scott Password : tiger
Hostname : indl144229.idc.oracle.com Port : 1522 Sid in144229
Do a Test Connection to make sure it shows a 'Success'.
7. Give an appropriate name for the Entity Object that you wish to create. You can choose a customised package where you want to place your entity
else go with the default choice.
8. You can choose a schema object on which you want to base your entity object by clicking on the Browse button next to the 'Schema Object' dropdown.
The database schema shown will be SCOTT since we gave credentials to login to the database in the previous step as (scott / tiger)
9. You can choose the EMP table for example to model your entity and View objects.
10. The next screen will show you the list of 'Attributes' corresponding to the table columns. You can choose to order them in the required manner.
11. The next step is the 'Attribute Settings' where you have to choose an attribute as the Primary Key.
12. The next step 'Java' allows you to choose to generate :- EntityObjectClass (eg : SampleEOImpl) , Entity Collection Class (eg : SampleEOCollImpl) and
Entity Definition Class (eg : SampleEODefImpl)
13. The next step 'Generate' allows you to create ViewObject and Application Module for the entity object you created in the previous step. You can choose to
place them in appropriate packages.
14. The next step which is Summary shows you a summary of all the above steps and what options you chose in each of them.
15. Right click on ViewController Project -> Web Tier -> JSF -> JSF Page Fragment. Give a name to the jsff page that you want to create and choose the
you want to place it in.
16. In the data controls section, you will find a data control (DC) corresponding to your Application Module. On expanding this DC you will find a control
corresponding to the ViewObject and its Operations. You can drag drop this control onto the jsff page fragment that you just created in various different
forms ( popup, Form, Gantt, Gauge, Geographical Map, Graph, Multiple Selection, Navigation , Single Selection, Table, Tree)
17. Create a bounded task flow inside which you can place the jsff created in the above step. Right click ViewController -> Web Tier -> JSF -> ADF Taskflow
Give an appropriate name for the taskflow and place it in a separate package.
18. Now drag and drop the jsff page fragment onto the taskflow you created in the above step. In case you do not plan to place anything inside the
adfc-config.xml (which is the default unbounded taskflow and starting point for an application), then you need to mark the page fragment inside this
taskflow as the 'Default Activity'.
19. Create a new jspx page as : Right click ViewController -> Web Tier -> JSP -> JSP : say start.jspx. Place the taskflow inside this jspx page.
Now goto the page bindings of the jspx page. Here, click on the taskflow and in the property-inspector, set the activation property to 'immediate'
20. You can optionally place the start.jspx page inside adfc-config.xml, which will become the starting point of your application. Else the jspx itself would be
the starting point.